Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Free style Locker hooking rug part 2

This is how its going, I'm going to put a blue fire flower in the middle and it actually looks cool.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Locker Hooking

Free style Locker hooking rug

I started this project out actually a year ago and set it to the side because I couldn't stand to work on it any more. This is the type of project you want to work on when it is cold because the fleece is heavy and hot in the summer time. Also I was starting to hate the way it was looking but now it is turning out nicely because I have a plan.

Here is my project I like to work in fleece because I have so many scraps of it laying around.
More coming soon

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Camera Case part 6 compleated

I finally got this project done! I'm so happy not to be doing this any more. My fingers hurt from fighting with the needles, I broke at lest 3 of them.  So this is how it finally turned out it actually looks very nice.

Not sure what will be next probly going to finsh up the rug I was working before I had to move.

Monday, November 29, 2010

I got my self a new Ukulele

I went out on black Friday and got my self a gift for being awesome because I don't celebrate Christmas for religious reasons. I saw it on sale a few weeks back and new I must have it, so after working 10 hrs on black Friday I got to the music shop to find that they still had it so I knew it was meant to be :D
So I got it home and bee waxed it up to keep it safe because its unfinished wood and I love wood grain.
Its a fender Tenor Ukulele and it sounds great! much better then my little lanaki. I would post a video of me playing it but I'm shy and also think I suck lol.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Camera Case part 5

I have finally finished up with the canvas and have began to cut out the fleece liner for the camera.

 This is what I've got done so far, basically I'm now just sewing the canvas to the pouch made of fleece. when that is done I'm going to lash all the parts together and make a little latch for the flap to go under. I'm also thinking of adding a strap to it to make it a free standing purse type bag.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This plastic canvas is driving me crazy

I know I haven't updated in a few days....
It is because I'm starting to hate this project it is so boring to do normal stitches on plastic canvas. I'm runing out of dark pink yarn because I'm only doing my projects using remments. This is the up date photo I'm nearly done with the boring part hope to get it done tonight.  Then I can move on to working on the fleece (finally)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

nothing new to post today

I haven't had a chance to work on the camera case today so I decided to take a picture the blanket project. this blanket was crochet and then woven threw with fleece remnant it is really warm and looks awesome.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Camera Case part 4

I finished the back panel using the same weaving style as the front of the project, in a side by side comparison it is starting to look really nice. I don't have much else to say besides look at the results.

This how it looked when I was working on it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Some thing diffrent today (my dads dead bee hive)

My dad was been raising bees this summer and for some reason the bees swarmed and toke off from the hive leaving a few brood cells. These brood hatched from the hive with out a queen and started going out and collecting pollen and nectar,  but with out a queen it was only a matter of time before they all die off with being replaced. It was very cool these last couple of days, I've gone out checked up on the hive to find it reaking of death and over flowing with rotten honey and dead bees. its actually kind of creepy how the bees are frozen in place as if they all died in an instant stuck to the comb.  here are a few pictures I toke as I riped apart the hive to see if there where any alive in there.

 These bees are all dead yet they look as if they never stopped working.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Camera Case part 3

So I have completed the back and top clasp part of the case and it looks really nice. I'm actually really happy with the look of this, I has this woven pink plaid look.

How I achieve this look was by first making to diagonal long stitches that look like stripes then filling in with a lighter color. Then repeat the same going diagonal the other direction.
 Pro tip: if your yarn is thin or it looks kinda thready like this ^   then weave in more and double up the yarn in each row if you look at the picture below you can see that I doubled up some of my lines because it was looking thin in the middle. also if you make a mistake just keep on weaving on because in the long scale of the project a small flaw wont be noticed by any one but you.
There you have it for today now I'm going to start working on the front and sides tomorrow.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Camera Case part 2

I decided I wanted to make this cool looking cross stitch pattern across the front this is the first time I have attempted this type of stitching and the results look fantastic. I'm thinking of doing this for the rest of my project but this time I'm going to in corporate other colors of yarn so I will show off the pattern even more.

make sure you weave the needle, if you make a mistake just pull it out and try again. Also if you make a mistake on the back it wont matter that much because of the liner that will be added later. here is this section completed.

This is what the back looks like
I tried to tack it down with a few long stitches but it looks like crap, I know it could look better but its good enough for me. Its going to be covered with a fleece backing so it wont even matter.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Camera Case

This is my first post in this blog so I decided to start it out with my newest project, I'm making a case for my new camera. I want to pad the case a bit so I'm going to make it out of plastic canvas with a liner of fleece. The first thing I did was measure the camera on the canvas making sure to leave some leeway for the fleece liner and the yarn that will sewn in to the canvas. It is a basic pattern  of a box with a flap reaching from the back that will come over the top and be held down with a few strips of canvas over the top. I'll be posting more pictures of project every day so you can see how it comes together, this a photo of the canvas I cut for use.

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